Editor’s Pick in PW’s Booklife
Don’t Take This the Wrong Way is an Editor’s Pick in Publishers Weekly’s Booklife!
Don’t Take This the Wrong Way is an Editor’s Pick in Publishers Weekly’s Booklife!
The first review of my forthcoming short story collection, Don’t Take This the Wrong Way, which I coauthored with Kim…
I’ll be the resident at Holly House in Shelton, Washington the first half of September. While I’m there I’ll be…
My story “Counting,” published by MoonPark Review, has been selected by guest editor Grant Faulkner and series editors Meg Pokrass…
Thrilled that my story “My Sister’s Monkey,” which was originally published in Laurel Review, has been chosen for inclusion in…
I’m excited to be teaching this class on revision this July at the Adirondack Center for Writing. It’s a 90-minute…
My new book, THEY KEPT RUNNING, was released a few weeks ago! Here’s a review in SmokeLong Quarterly and an…
“There is a laugh-so-you-don’t-cry shade of humor in Ross’s work that makes her razor-sharp observations about how men abuse women…
Mark McLemore interviewed me on this week’s episode of Arizona Spotlight. You can also hear me read my story “Palate…
My first published piece of 2022, “The Real Marcia,” came out on January 1st in Ghost Parachute. A new interview…
I received my copy of Issue 4 of Zizzle, a literary zine for older kids and adults alike. It contains…
My story “The Pregnancy Game,” first published in The Fanzine, will be included in the forthcoming W.W. Norton anthology Flash…