Kim and I talked with Curtis Smith in jmww about our collaboration on Don’t Take This the Wrong Way.
Kim and I talked a bit about our collaborative process for New Flash Fiction Review.
Jamie Thome asked me some questions about writing and editing for Artists Book House.
Luke Rolfes asked me questions about Shapeshifting and They Kept Running for The Laurel Review.
Chuck Augello interviewed me about They Kept Running for the Cease, Cows blog.
Chris Rice Cooper asked me questions about They Kept Running on her blog.
Keith Lesmeister interviewed Kim Magowan and I about our collaborative writing process for Cutleaf.
Ben Woodard interviewed me about They Kept Running for Fiction Writer’s Review.
Kim Magowan and I interviewed each other about our latest books for The Masters Review.
Deborah Kalb asked me some questions about They Kept Running for her blog, Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb.
Lisa Loop asked me some questions about Shapeshifting for The Coachella Review.
I answered a few questions for Apparel for Authors.
Danielle Petty and Harrison McCroskey talked with me about Shapeshifting, interview in Change Seven Magazine.
Yasmina Madden talked with me about Shapeshifting, interview at Necessary Fiction.
Chris Rice Cooper asked me some questions about Shapeshifting, and in particular the story “Life Cycle of an Ungrateful Daughter,” on her blog.
Sara Walker interviewed me about Shapeshifting for the Superstition Review blog
Deborah Kalb interviewed me about Shapeshifting for her blog, Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb.
Kathryn Kulpa interviewed me about Shapeshifting for Cleaver Magazine.
Curtis Smith interviewed me about my new story collection, Shapeshifting, for JMWW,
Al Kratz interviewed Kim Magowan and me about our collaborative story “Twenty-three Safety Manuals,” as well as about the collaboration process in general.
Lilia Shrayfer interviewed me about my story “A Mouth is a House for Teeth” (published in Colorado Review, 2018) for the Center for Literary Publishing blog at Colorado State University.
Sommer Schafer interviewed me about my story “Swarming” for The Forge.
Damyanti Biswas interviewed me on her blog Daily (w)rite.
Cathy Ulrich interviewed me at Pidgeonholes.
Smoke & Mirrors: An Interview with Michelle Ross I talked with Christopher James about my story “The Sand and the Sea” in SmokeLong Quarterly
Tommy Dean interviewed me for his flash fiction interview series.
Valerie Waterhouse interviewed me about my story “Night Bloom” for The Forge.
Dan Wickett asked me a few questions about my story collection for National Short Story Month at Emerging Writers Network.
I was interviewed, along with a number of other flash fiction writers and editors, for this article in The Writer, “Expert Tips for Writing the Best Flash Fiction“
Aram Mrjoian asked me some questions about There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You for The Adroit Journal– A Conversation with Michelle Ross
John Haggerty asked me some questions about writing and about my story “The Difference Between Me and Everyone Else” for The Forge — FLM Author Interview: Sparks Fly with Michelle Ross
Chuck Aguello asked me some questions about There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You for Cease, Cows — Fiction That Multitasks: An Interview with Michelle Ross
Eleanor Gallagher interviewed me for Fiction Writers Review — Learning to Re-See: An Interview with Michelle Ross
Deborah Kalb asked me some questions about my book for Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb — Q&A with Michelle Ross
Smoke and Mirrors: An Interview with Michelle Ross I talked with Shane Stricker about my story “Of All the Animals in the Aquarium” in SmokeLong Quarterly